Thursday, September 5, 2013


Halo! Post gue kali ini berbahasa Indonesia. Jadi ceritanya gue mau ngomongin tulisan gue. Dari SD sampe sekarang SMA kayaknya gaada yang pernah bilang tulisan gue bagus. Semua selalu bilang kayak ceker ayam, dan lain-lain. Hahaha memang begitulah kenyataannya. Jujur aja, gue gak pernah menganggap tulisan gue jelek wkwk. Emang berantakan tapi artistik ah wkwk. Well punya tulisan kayak tulisan gue emang kadang menyedihkan. Kalo bagian nulis-nulis gitu pasti gak bakal dipilih. Kadang enak sih, tapi kadang ya gitu lah wkwk. Enaknya sih, kalo ada yang mau minjem buku berisi pr buat dicontek, tinggal bilang, "Ambil aja. Tapi kalo bisa baca ya." Terus pas ngeliat pasti gajadi nyonteknya. :)) Bagi yang penasaran, ini dia mahakarya tulisan gue: 

Sebenernya gue bisa kok nulis rapih. Cuma butuh usaha. Kalo tulisan kayak gini sih keuntungannya bisa nulis cepet banget karena semi sambung gitu. Tapi kerugiannya ya pas bacanya lagi pasti suatu saat berhenti dulu buat mikir ini huruf apa hehe. Intinya sih, gak perlu malu kalo tulisan lo jelek. Pasti nanti ada seseorang yang bakal menyukai lo karena tulisan lo. (?)


Halo! This is my first post. Greetings to you, visitors! I'm from the most beautiful country in the world, Indonesia. So, I don't really know what to write so I'm just gonna tell you why my blog named Florasia-esterische. Hmmm florasia. Flora is actually an Indonesian for plant, including flower. My name is Bunga. Bunga means flower and I added asia to show that I'm an Indonesian or Asian. (?) -_- No not really I just like the way it sounds. Florasia. Aaaaand the origin of esterische is kind of ridiculous but I'm gonna tell you though. It was inspired by a name of bacteria, Escherichia coli. -_____- Hahaha. I don't know but the name Escherichia is really interesting to me even though is the name of a digestive bacteria. It was found by Theodor Escherich. Such a pretty name. 

Flower and bacteria? Such a perfect match!

And now I'm going to tell you why I start to blog. I've ever blog before but then I got bored because I was lazy to update it. But now I start to write again because my dad said blogging is good to improve your writing abilities, widen knowledge, and to express the unexpressed feelings.

Well the main reason is probably I kind of need somewhere safe to pour my thoughts because currently I'm entering my 10th year and I wanna make some changes, positive ones. So I decided to try to listen more, and talk less. And I do now, listen more than talk. And it feels good. Not really. I used to talk a lot. More than lot. From debating about which pants are more suitable for survival in the forest to make fun of someone's laugh. But now I have to tell my self to shut up every time  I'm about to say something that's not very necessary. When I'm about to give an opinion about something. I try to just keep it inside and give'em an 'I know everything' smile. :)) Soooo that's why I made this blog. To pour my unnecessary thoughts. Enjoy! :)