Thursday, December 18, 2014
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Kurikulum 2013 Dibekukan? Yay or Nay?
NYAY!!! lol
Well yeah, my reaction is nyay. I'm seriously at that thin line between satisfaction and disappointment.
So, Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan yang baru, Bapak Anies Baswedan memutuskan untuk 'membekukan' Kurikulum 2013, yaitu kurikulum cetusan Bapak Muhammad Nuh 1,5 tahun yang lalu. Sekolah yang baru menerapkan Kurikulum 2013 selama satu semester kembali menggunakan Kurikulum KTSP 2006, sedangkan sekolah yang sudah menerapkan Kurikulum 2013 selama 3 semester dibolehkan melanjutkan Kurikulum 2013, namun jika ingin kembali ke Kurikulum KTS 2006, bisa mengajukan ke Kemendikbud.
Kurikulum 2013 sempat menurai berbagai kontroversi karena ketergesaan kurikulum ini untuk diterapkan di seluruh sekolah di seluruh Indonesia. Karena ketergesaan itu menyebabkan pelatihan guru yang belum inetnsif dan maksimal, sarana dan prasarana seperti buku, yang belum terpenuhi, serta kagetnya siswa, guru, dan pihak orangtua karena sosialisasi yang belum merata.
Despite the bad execution, we cannot deny that the idea of this curriculum is terrific. Jika sudah paham apa sebenarnya Kurikulum 2013 ini, kita bisa tahu bahwa kurukulum ini adalah kurikulum yang memandang jauh ke depan. Kurikulum ini ingin menghasilkan anak-anak bangsa yang religius, berinetgritas, terampil, open-minded, serta kritis. Kita tidak lagi menelan rumus, menghafal teori. Namun kita dibimbing untuk membuahkan ide atau kesimpulan di setiap diskusi tentang materi pelajaran. Bukan hanya diberitahu bahwa permen itu terbuat dari gula, tapi merasakan bahwa permen itu manis, dan menyimpulkan bahwa yang manis itu terbuat dari gula, berarti permen terbuat dari gula.
Sekolah saya termasuk yang sudah menerapkan Kurikulum 2013 selama 3 semester. Sekolah saya juga merupakan sekolah percontohan Kurikulum 2013 sehingga pelaksanaannya sudah lumayan sesuai. Saya merasakan sendiri perbedaan belajar dengan Kurikulum 2006 dan dengan Kurukulum 2013. Contohnya pada pelajaran matematika. Sebelumnya kami hanya diberitahu rumus-rumus untuk menyelesaikan masalah di soal. Namun, di Kurikulum 2013, kami dibimbing untuk menemukan rumus-rumus tersebut atau paling tidak membuktikan rumus-rumus. Hal ini memakan waktu cukup lama sehingga materi yang bisa diselesaikan dalam 2 pertemuan jadi harus 3 pertemuan. Lalu menjelang UAS karena materi yang belum dibahas masih menumpuk, kami diberi daftar rumus-rumus. Dan reaksi saya dan teman-teman saya: "Bu itu rumus dapet dari mana, Bu?"
Lalu suatu hari kami diberitahu bahwa akan diadakan ulangan harian sejarah, namun gurunya sedang tidak ada, dan ulangan open-book/boleh menggunaka internet. Girang-lah kami, para siswa. Lalu saat soal dibagikan, hanya ada 7 nomor essay. Essay beneran. Contoh soalnya begini: Apa yang kamu ketahui tentang Volksraad? Apa peran Volksraad dalam perjuangan kemerdekaan Indonesia? Bandingkan dengan dewan rakyat saat ini! Satu nomor setengah halaman. 7 nomor paling melelahkan dalam hidup saya. Soal analisis seperti itu yang membuat saya ngeh "Ini dia Kurukulum 2013-nya". Dan walaupun lelah, saya merasa saya memutar otak saya untuk mengerjakan 7 soal tersebut WALAUPUN open-book. Saya merasa saya belajar, saya berpikir, bukan hanya menjawab dengan jawaban yang 'seharusnya' saya jawab.
Ya, kembali lagi. Saya merasa keputusan Pak Mendikbud ini tepat untuk sekarang. Dengan alasan kurikulum ini belum di evaluasi dan persiapannya kurang mantap, saya rasa membekukan kurukulum ini adalah keputusan yang baik. Dengan menelaah ulang dan kemungkinan memperbaiki kurikulum ini, diharapkan bisa diadakan persiapan yang mantap bila nantinya kurikulum ini akan di unfreeze. (Please just give it a little finishing touches then unfreeze it, Pak. Do not back off. This is a great one, U know it)
Lantas, apakah ketergesaan pemberlakuan Kurikulum 2013 merupakan keputusan yang kurang bijak dari Pak Mohammad Nuh? Well you might think that this is a very unthoughtful decision he made, but, I think he thought deeper. Mungkin beliau sudah tahu bahwa pengganti beliau akan membekukan atau bahkan memberhentikan kurikulum yang ditetapkannya. The thing is, dia mungkin percaya bahwa Kurikulum 2013 sangat baik dan tepat untuk mengubah sistem pendidikan Indonesia ke arah yang lebih baik sehingga penggantian kurikulum ini dianggap sebagai sesuatu yang urgen. Ia ingin kurikulum ini diberlakukan di Indonesa, namun, dengan masa jabatannya yang tinggal 1,5 sampai 2 tahun lagi, ia tahu ia tidak mungkin menerapkannya dengan mulus melewati tahap persiapan, evaluasi, dan sebagainya. Saya rasa penerapan yang dirasa memaksa ini dimaksudkan untuk memberi statement bahwa kurikulum ini penting untuk diterapkan di Indonesia. Sehingga cara yang memungkinkan adalah 'memaksakan' pemberlakuan Kurikulum 2013 itu tersebut agar Mendikbud berikutnya at least notices kurikulum tersebut beserta urgensinya. Maybe the person we dislike the most today, the creator of 2013 Curriculum, is the same person we thank 20 years later, for developing quality-generation
I think the ideas, visions, and missions of the curriculum is very promising. But yes, the execution is pretty bad. The decision to freeze it is very wise, but I do hope Mr. Anies Baswedan will do his magic and unfreeze it with everything prepared and under control. The curriculum is new hope for Indonesia, and I believe in it.
What do you think? Yay or Nay? (or Nyay?)
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Saya percaya Islam adalah agama yang indah. Yang senantiasa menuju kepada kebaikan. Semua perintah-perintah dari Allah SWT tentulah mempunyai tujuan yakni untuk kebaikan manusia sendiri. Untuk menjadi petunjuk bagi manusia. Dan segala kebaikan pasti akan menggiring ke kebaikan-kebaikan lainnya.
Saya sering membaca beberapa artikel atau pendapat-pendapat orang tentang jilbab dan akhlak manusia. Kebanyakan membandingkan tentang yang sudah berhijab tapi belum berakhlak mulia dengan belum berhijab tapi berakhlak mulia. Saya paling sering menemukan pendapat-pendapat yang intinya: "Kalau mau berhijab jangan cuma menutup aurat saja. Akhlaknya juga harus baik". Namun, setelah itu, muncullah pembelaan-pembelaan dari orang-orang yang rata-rata sudah berhijab: "Hijab dan akhlak itu dua hal yang berbeda. Jangan disamakan". Jujur, karena saya sudah berhijab, saya awalnya juga tidak terima dengan pendapat yang pertama. Saya merasa dituntut terlalu banyak. Usaha menutup aurat saja sudah merupakan sesuatu yang tidak mudah buat saya, eh, dituntut lagi harus berakhlak mulia. Seolah-olah kewajiban berhijab dan kewajiban berakhlak mulia jadi satu paket. Sehingga saya sempat berpegang teguh bahawa hijab dan akhlak adalah dua hal yang berbeda. Namun, beberapa bulan yang lalu, saya sempat berdiskusi dengan ayah saya. Dan hasilnya, percakapan tersebut cukup membuka pikiran saya.
"Kalau mau berhijab jangan cuma menutup aurat saja. Akhlaknya juga harus baik"
Apakah saya setuju dengan pernyataan tersebut? Jawabannya, ya.
Dalam konteks ini, sebagai muslim/muslimah, kewajiban kita ada dua, yakni menutup aurat dan berakhlak mulia. Sebutlah ada seorang muslimah yang sudah berhijab namun akhlaknya belum sempurna bernama Flo. Kebiasaan buruk Flo adalah berbicara kasar kepada orang lain, misalnya. Dengan Flo memakai hijab, apakah ia berkewajiban mengubah akhlak buruknya itu? Jawabannya, ia sudah berkewajiban untuk mengubah akhlak buruk tersebut sejak ia mengetahui bawha hal tersebut ialah buruk. Lalu apa gunanya hijab?
Level 1: Menutup aurat
Level 2: Menaati perintah Allah SWT untuk menutup aurat
Level 3: Menaati perintah Allah SWT untuk menutup aurat sehingga (insya Allah) senantiasa terjaga dan terdorong untuk melakukan kebaikan lainnya.
Seperti yang saya sebutkan sebelumnya, segala kebaikan pasti akan menggiring ke kebaikan-kebaikan lainnya. Jika niat Flo dalam berhijab sudah sampai level 3, seharusnya Flo pun terdorong untuk menghilangkan akhlak buruknya. Namun, apakah mudah mencapai level 3? Tentu saja tidak. Menahan diri dari godaan untuk tidak menutup aurat saja sudah sulit. Namun hendaklah terus berusaha untuk memupuk niat sehingga dari berhijab dapat menggiring kepada kebaikan lainnya.
"Agama ya agama. Perilaku ya perilaku. Agama urusan saya dengan tuhan, perilaku urusan saya dengan orang-orang di sekitar saya"
Islam mengajarkan ada 2 nilai penting, yakni habluminallah dan habluminannas. Hubungan manusia dengan tuhannya dan manusia dengan sesama manusia. Jika habluminallahnya baik tapi habluminannasnya tidak, apakah bisa mendapat surga? Tidak. Jika habluminannasnya baik tapi habluminallahnya tidak, apakah bisa mendapat surga? Tidak juga. Seseorang jika shalat benar-benar, dengat niat lillahi ta'ala, pasti akhlaknya pun akan baik. Jika ada yang sholat tapi masih berbuat curang, berarti shalatnya belum benar. Jadi pastilah, ajaran-ajaran islam jika dilakukan dengan niat yang benar, selain untuk beribadah pada Allah, juga pasti akan menjadikan habluminannas yang baik. Pastilah ajaran-ajaran tersebut mempunyai dampak baik untuk kehidupan umat manusia di dunia.
"Berhijab tapi masih berkata kasar, percuma. Mending gak usah berhijab dulu"
Berhijab dan belum berhijab kewajibannya sama: Berhenti berkata kasar. Bukan berarti dengan belum berhijab jadi boleh berkata kasar, kan?
"Kalo gitu mending perbaikin akhlak dulu, baru berhijab"
Terserah mau mulai dari mana. Yang jelas harus dilakukan dengan niat yang sebenar-benarnya. Dan haruslah setelah melakukan kebaikan yang satu, menuntun ke kebaikan lainnya. Namun, saya akan berikan suatu kasus:
Anda diajak ke club, namun anda menolak karena anda sudah mulai berperilaku baik
Anda diajak ke club, namun anda menolak karena anda sudah mulai berhijab
Yang mana yang lebih mudah? It's your choice.
Mungkin saya masih terkesan subjektif. Namun, inti yang ingin saya sampaikan di sini adalah jiks suatu kebaikan dilakukan dengan niat yang sebenar-benarnya, kebaikan ini akan menggiring kepada kebaikan lainnya. Jika seorang yang belum berhijab namun benar-benar berakhlak mulia kepada sesama lillahi ta'ala, tentulah dia akan lebih berakhlak mulia kepada dirinya sendiri. Menjaga kesucian, kehormatan, martabat, dan wibawa dirinya dengan cara yang telah Allah SWT tunjukkan. Terlebih lagi, setelah ini, kita dapat memulai memperbaiki diri, menunaikan kewajiban-kewajiban yang belum terpenuhi, ketimbang membanding-bandingkan mana yang lebih baik dan mana yang lebih buruk. Termasuk saya, hehehe.
Semoga bermanfaat! No offense! Peace!
!!! Apabilah ada kesamaan tokoh hanyalah kebetulan semata. Tidak ada unsur kesengajaan karena namanya diambil dari tokoh di film The Cars.
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Little Miss Oopsy Daisy
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Great Male Songs I Wish I Could Sing
I looooove listening to music. And looove to sing it as well. Buuuuut, I often find ahmazing songs that I could not sing along. They just don't fit my voice. Or my voice doesn't fit them. And the songs are mostly sung by guys. Gaaahhh I hate that I can't sing them but that's one of the reasons why I like those songs, because I can only listen to them, can't sing them. Don't know if they are just the type of songs that don't meant to be sung by female or the singers are too good that only them can nail the songs.
I'll Be - Edwin McCain
I die for this song. Like, it melts my heart right away. Crazy how the melody makes you feel. The cover by Blake Jenner for The Glee Project finale is also super duper great. Then the reason why I can't sing this is because it is 100% male type of song.
Always Be My Baby - David Cook
I know this song is originally sung by Mariah Carey, which is a female. Buuuut, still, don't you sob when David sings it? Like, his voice, and every lyric of it? He totally owns it! It's his song! And his only because me can no sing along with him. :(
Kasih Putih - Glenn Fredly
This legendary Indo love song of all time. Steals the heart of every girl in every generation. But girl can no sing along because it will only ruin the song. That's why deep inside every girl wants their boys to sing this song to them. ;)
J-Rocks - Fallin' In Love
I am fallin' in love with this song. This is a guilty-pleasure, actually. I don't know, this song just takes me somewhere. Somewhere nice. It has a rock kind of feel to it, which is sexy. This band's music stands out among other Indo bands to me.
Against All Odds - Phil Collins
A song from the past. Great, deep song. The piano is touching to me. Although the Glee version, sung by Darren Criss, is so much better, I think. Darren sings this song perfectly with the best emotion can ever be put to this song.
Oh, male singers,
I, from now on, respect you for every melody you are singing because we, female singers, can't ever have what you have put to every of your songs.
I'll Be - Edwin McCain
I die for this song. Like, it melts my heart right away. Crazy how the melody makes you feel. The cover by Blake Jenner for The Glee Project finale is also super duper great. Then the reason why I can't sing this is because it is 100% male type of song.
Always Be My Baby - David Cook
I know this song is originally sung by Mariah Carey, which is a female. Buuuut, still, don't you sob when David sings it? Like, his voice, and every lyric of it? He totally owns it! It's his song! And his only because me can no sing along with him. :(
Kasih Putih - Glenn Fredly
This legendary Indo love song of all time. Steals the heart of every girl in every generation. But girl can no sing along because it will only ruin the song. That's why deep inside every girl wants their boys to sing this song to them. ;)
J-Rocks - Fallin' In Love
I am fallin' in love with this song. This is a guilty-pleasure, actually. I don't know, this song just takes me somewhere. Somewhere nice. It has a rock kind of feel to it, which is sexy. This band's music stands out among other Indo bands to me.
Against All Odds - Phil Collins
A song from the past. Great, deep song. The piano is touching to me. Although the Glee version, sung by Darren Criss, is so much better, I think. Darren sings this song perfectly with the best emotion can ever be put to this song.
Oh, male singers,
I, from now on, respect you for every melody you are singing because we, female singers, can't ever have what you have put to every of your songs.
Saturday, September 13, 2014
Thursday, August 14, 2014
Why, People.
I don't get it. I just don't. Why do people complain about the new curriculum so badly? What do people want? Keep the old curriculum? Be as chaotic as the now Indonesia? Keep corruption? Keep being so poor by ignoring the gold around us? Keep producing dishonest government? Dishonest people? Uneducated people? Lack of morals? Keep being tested on stupid things? Keep having thoughts and ideas left unspoken? Uncreative and close-minded? Damn, people! You used to say that "Indonesian curriculum is stupid and blahblah" and now they finally change it and you guys be like "The governments treat students like robot blahblah". THIS!!!! This kind of character is exactly the one that should be gotten rid of. CAN YOU JUST BE THANKFUL THAT THERE'S FINALLY A CHANGE? That there's a chance that we wouldn't be stupid and poor anymore? The worst thing could happen is this curriculum totally failed. And AT LEAST we know it is failed. At least we tried. And at least we will learn from it and create the best of all curriculum. Not just keep doing something that we know already a failure. Well, well, well. The one thing I know is a great idea is never the one that's been approved along the process. It is the one that makes people say "That was the right thing to do" 10 years after.
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Childhood Saved
Saturday, July 19, 2014
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Sunday, June 8, 2014
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
A Selfie Kind of Decade
Aloha! Soooo, last week, Vernese, my class, went to Banten to do 'factory visit', which is the task of 'engineering & entrepreneurship' subject. First, we went to PT Krakatau Steel. Awesome. And the we headed to our hotel in Anyer. Quiet far, but after we saw the beach, it was worth it! We played, had fun, and mostly, we took selfies. Like, a lot of selfies. Acip even brought tongsis (translation: selfie stick (?)). We took selfies alooong the trip. I don't mind, though, because I took selfies, too. But, I thought about it last night, aaaaand I realise it is a bit unhealthy. Very unhealthy in fact. Can't believe we let the sun went down unenjoyed because we were too busy taking selfies. Like so busy. Gosh. We were supposed to play with the waves, sands, watch the sunset together, listen to the sound of the ocean. And all we did was taking picture of ourselves so that we could post it to Instagram and Path later. What's the fun in that?! Gosh, now I'm so disgusted with my self. Very unhealthy. I should be a vegan. Or go on a selfie diet, Or gadget diet. Are we obsessed with our selves? Our faces? May be we all should be an Abnegation for a day. Just a day without looking into our reflections in the mirror. Be selfless for a day. To notice the world's beauty, not just ours. To see that we are not the greatest. Just to keep our feet on the ground. I am going to try, soon. That's all I have to say. However, the trip was beautiful, still. <3
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
A Throwback
Night, creatures! Sooooo, those are me and Dije, moi senior high and high school bestie. Yes, we're classmates. Currently and will still be 'till the next 2 years. That will make us a 5-year-classmates. Ekhm. So I'm looking forward to see Dije in slimmer body. And to witness her first time to fall in love in high school. Wtf wkwk inget Je awal kelas 11 deadline or buy me and Mutia Blizzard. :)) These photos were taken in Pacet, when #DEFINITIONAL did research project. As you all can see, modelling is my nature. :))
Photograph by: Diajeng Sekar S
The Florasia Quiz
"What's your full name again?" "Did you ever say that?" "Gosh, thought I know you"
"Duh! You've told me like a thousand times!" "Been stalking you" "Eww, but, that's you" ?
Friday, April 11, 2014
Friday, February 14, 2014
I am
I am the one who's invisible
I am the one you wouldn't consider
I am the one you wouldn't choose
I am the one you wouldn't even bother to talk to
I am the one who's under-rated
I am the one who's under-estimated
I am the one you put aside
I am the one you wouldn't pick as a leader
I am the one who doesn't convince you
I am the nuts in your cookies
I am the dirt the you are dying to get rid of
I am the one you look down on
I am the one you would not trust
I am the one that nobody cares about
I am the one that nobody cares about if nobody cares about me
I am the one who has never set any point
I am the one who will leave and the world will still be turning
I am the one you wouldn't give a second look
I am that part of book you always skip
I am those coins you let fall out of your pocket
I am the one you turn your head away from
I am the one you will forget
But those are exactly what I've ever needed to be. You just filled up my fuel tank to the fullest. And I'm starting my engine……...
Sunday, January 12, 2014
6 Tips And Tricks To Get Through The 2013 Curriculum (My Version)
Aloha folks! This time I'm gonna talk about the 2013 curriculum. Most of you maybe complain about this thing. But you know what, I really enjoy it. I don't know, but school just gets better everyday. It's like, we can study the way we want. We can always give our opinions, and question every odd stuffs. The teachers are less in charge. I mean, the burden on your shoulder that's always been needed to be shaken off, is finally released. Well, maybe some of you struggles to study with this curriculum. But I believe it's just a matter of time. Or it is just you who don't want to open your heart and mind to a new thing. But don't worry I believe this curriculum will change you into a more open-minded person. Soooo, check out this tips and tricks from me!
Well, maybe some of you don't have time to do this. Home works, courses, and other stuffs are still on list. But, please try. This is the only way to survive when you are trapped in a small island. To try something new. Well, although you're not trapped in an island but still, you should try. It is actually fun to know the lesson first before the teacher tells you. It's like you're one step ahead, a little smarter than your classmates. Most of all, it helps a lot. You will understand better.
1. Try to always read or google the lesson / material that will be talked about in the next day.
Well, maybe some of you don't have time to do this. Home works, courses, and other stuffs are still on list. But, please try. This is the only way to survive when you are trapped in a small island. To try something new. Well, although you're not trapped in an island but still, you should try. It is actually fun to know the lesson first before the teacher tells you. It's like you're one step ahead, a little smarter than your classmates. Most of all, it helps a lot. You will understand better.
2. Always try to to write down any ideas or questions that pop into your mind while studying.
I think this one's crucial. Because you often forget if you have a question or ideas. It will be such a shame, if you have an amazing idea but you.freakin.forget. And questions. maybe you don't really care if you don't have answers to those questions. But, if you do, you just add ONE information to your brain. At least everyday you know something from something you are curious about. (Yes, yes you are. You are curious. You asked a question before. :b)
3. Try to always listen to everybody's opinion in class.
You have to learn to listen. I think all Indonesians have to. Including me, yes. This way you can see things from other people's perspective. And you can spot a new fact or something odd.
4. Try to speak up!
Naaah, when you spot a new fact or something odd, an argument or a question will automatically pop into your mind. When this thing happen, speak up! I know deep inside, all you need is to be heard. You listened to people before, this time, people will listen to you. All you need is that courage to stand up and speak. And you can gain it by trying.
5. Stop worrying too much about your scores.
This. Like seriously, stop. You're always been chased by scores. I mean, it is school, a place to get knowledge, not scores. Just enjoy the fact that you are learning something new everyday! Besides, in this curriculum, your test score is not the only thing that matters. If you enjoy learning everyday and always try do your best, it will show in your scores. Remember, this curriculum is about process. If your parents keep thinking that score is everything. Try to explain this to them. Keep calm. Just like you, they need to adapt with this curriculum. If they don't stop, ask your teacher for a help to explain to them.
6. Stop complaining about the new curriculum.
C'mon. I know this is what you've always wanted, This curriculum is all that you wanted. You don't want to be tested on your climbing ability because you're simply a fish! You want to study your way. You don't want to get 6 on you report book just because you have a stomachache during the test. You want to be heard. You don't want to listen to a super boring teacher everyday. It's a fresh new start! You're just struggles to get through the transition phase. YOU REFUSE TO TRY. You simply blame it on the government. But I tell you what, YOU WILL BE OKAY. Please try to stop complaining. Don't hurt your self by it. Besides, later in the future, I guarantee you will not find any reasons why you used to complained about it every time.
That's all the tips and tricks from me!!!! Please try. :))
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