Thursday, August 14, 2014

Why, People.

I don't get it. I just don't. Why do people complain about the new curriculum so badly? What do people want? Keep the old curriculum? Be as chaotic as the now Indonesia? Keep corruption? Keep being so poor by ignoring the gold around us? Keep producing dishonest government? Dishonest people?  Uneducated people? Lack of morals? Keep being tested on stupid things? Keep having thoughts and ideas left unspoken? Uncreative and close-minded? Damn, people! You used to say that "Indonesian curriculum is stupid and blahblah" and now they finally change it and you guys be like "The governments treat students like robot blahblah". THIS!!!! This kind of character is exactly the one that should be gotten rid of. CAN YOU JUST BE THANKFUL THAT THERE'S FINALLY A CHANGE? That there's a chance that we wouldn't be stupid and poor anymore? The worst thing could happen is this curriculum totally failed. And AT LEAST we know it is failed. At least we tried. And at least we will learn from it and create the best of all curriculum. Not just keep doing something that we know already a failure. Well, well, well. The one thing I know is a great idea is never the one that's been approved along the process. It is the one that makes people say "That was the right thing to do" 10 years after.